Hi, I'm Jade. I grew up between the city and the country and have extensive farming and animal caretaking experience. The first birth I ever saw was of our own cow birthing, who needed quite a bit of help due to a breech birth. However, animals can often be seen 'climbing' out of the womb, yet it's not that easy for all of us, and I am the first to acknowledge it is a life changing event in our lives. If you feel affected by your birth experience, I hear you, and I am here to hear all about it and help you go forward with confidence.

I am a Jade of all Trades, as I like to say, however I find myself a registered nurse with a post graduate certificate in newborn care, I am working towards becoming an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). I have experience in both Special Care Nursery, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and maternity nursing including lactation support and extensive breastfeeding training which has lead me to love the era of motherhood and babies. I also have experience in all other areas of nursing due to working a casual role at a tertiary hospital allowing me to gain experience in everything from chest drains to catheters to kangaroo pumps.

I have two little boys who are the light of my life. They bring excitement and joy to anyone they come across and it is incredible honour to watch them grow. My career in the world of women and children fell into place after having my own babies, the first having been a complicated pregnancy, birth and postpartum, including triple feeding and medical issues. The second was all going well until it turned pear shaped at the end of pregnancy, however both babies have breastfed and further concreted my appreciation, faith and awe of the female body and the powers of breastmilk and what us women can create, nurture and grow.

In my spare time I love to crochet, sew, cook, sing, ride motorcycles, go caravanning in our vintage poptop and take the boys to play at parks and the beach. We spend our long weekends adventuring NSW and visiting our families who live far away.

I take absolute pride in being an approachable, wholesome, grounded human who always greets people when passing on the footpath, knows the post office, supermarket staff and other business' staff by name and always up for a chat. I love hearing stories from others and find that an incredibly valuable experience. I can't wait to meet you and be part of your village!

Jade Moana

Meet Jade, the face behind the name.

Moana Care

The Name

Moana Care is derived from the origins of my Mum & Dad being from New Zealand, and with Dad being Maori Ngāpuhi, they gave me the name Jade Moana - 'Good Luck as deep as the ocean'. We also live close to the beach here in Sydney, Australia.

The Logo

The Moana Care logo represents a breastmilk droplet, along with two korus, representing two ferns unfurling next to each other. The Koru symbolises new life, growth, strength and peace, therefore mother and baby commencing the start of a new life. The koru also represents parenthood, ancestry, and genealogy.

The Vision

To be exactly as we are - An Ocean of Help. From a quick phone call in the depths of the night, to a full care package, to in home respite care, to a community of likeminded Moana Mama's. Moana Care aspires to be an all encompassing care service in the near future - with cleaning, cooking, allied health services and all under the one group.

Moana Care offers in home nursing care, postpartum support, breastfeeding and lactation for all mothers and babies, including those with complex medical needs.

Contact Us

Contact us for all nursing home care, postpartum care, breastfeeding support, respite care and nanny services for mothers and babies.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for urgent same day advice or care - we may certainly be able to assist same day. We offer extremely flexible hours.

Phone or Text: +61421363334

Email: info@moanacare.com.au


Sydney, Australia


24/7 by Appointment

Postal Address

P.O. Box 123, Kogarah NSW 1485